CJC's Author Chat | CJC Photography

CJC’s Author Chat

CJC’s Author Chat #5

How do you like to celebrate a book release or reaching new milestones? Mariah Thayer – You know, I haven’t got much of a habit there, but some friends print out their covers and frame them on the wall. Or they save a small gift for themselves. K.A. Finn – I have an extra HUGE […]

CJC’s Author Chat #4

What’s the most challenging part of being an author? And what do you do to try and overcome those challenges? Stephanie Dillon – Right now getting my name out and trying to sign up for author events. There are several things I don’t have yet. Like a logo or a tiktok account or a website. […]

CJC’s Author Chat #3

Are you a plotter or pantser? What is your writing process like? Ginger Lee – I’m the biggest pantser ever! Lol Mariah Thayer – I used to be a pantser, and I’d get 35k into a manuscript and get blocked. The first time I tried plotting, it took me 2 months to write my first […]

CJC’s Author Chat #2

Do you have any tips/tricks to overcome writer’s block? Kimberly Kincaid – Do anything other than try to write. Go for a run. Bake cookies. Pet your dog. Take a shower (I have the best ideas in places where I can’t write them down!)  If none of those things work, I talk through my block with […]

CJC’s Author Chat #1

What advice would you give fellow authors who are writing their first book? Lindsay Murray – Build your platform before publishing your first book. Especially if you’re going wide. Your book will not be magically discovered when you publish it. You need reviews, and you need purchases to bring it up high enough in the […]