CJC Photography’s Top Moments of 2021! | CJC Photography

CJC Photography’s Top Moments of 2021!

CJC Photography’s Top Moments of 2021!

I started a tradition a few years ago that at the end of each year I would reflect and put together a list of my favorite moments of the year.

While it was another tough year, first and foremost I want to thank you for all your continued love and support. I get to do what I love because of all of you. If authors weren’t buying my photos and models weren’t interested in working with me I wouldn’t be where I’am without all of you.

And with that…

Here are some of my Top Moments of 2021!


I kept traveling this year outside of Florida to a minimum.
Frankly, something I used to do often (flying) now makes me feel anxious and uncomfortable.
I try to take things one day at a time.

However, I did visit a state I had never been to before… Michigan! I stayed with Brock for a few days, and we got to shoot in locations that were brand new to the both of us, abandoned buildings in downtown Detroit. The collage below doesn’t even do it justice. While a little scary, it was cool to walk around and explore these unique locations. Not only did I shoot Brock but he also photographed me as he is interested in delving into photography.

One of the highlights of the trip was visiting the biggest Christmas store in the world (Bronner’s in Frankenmuth). The number of decorations and ornaments… it was incredibly beautiful and I recommend anyone in the area visiting.

I’m hoping in 2022 I will be traveling more; LA will be at the top of the list as a shoot location which I have been wanting to travel to for years.

Author Events:

With signings in 2020 virtually cancelled, words can’t describe how good it felt to get to attend a few this year.
The chance to see authors and meet readers again… it was so exciting!

I photographed author head shots at the Ignite Your Imagination event in Tampa.
I attended The Space Coast Book Lovers Author event in Cocoa Beach over the Summer with Lexi C. Foss.
Lastly, I attended the Shameless Book Con in Orlando with Lexi C. Foss in November.

A special thank you to all the amazing organizers for all of the hard work they put into making sure these signings were as safe as possible.

Online Feature in Instinct Magazine:

When Instinct Magazine reached out early in the year inquiring to interview me for their blog… I was speechless and so excited! (A special thank you to Golden for recommending me for the feature).

Ryan was so sweet and kind during the interview process and it was so sad to hear of his passing this year.


I love, love, love meeting and getting to work with NEW faces every year. And this year I was fortunate to work with a bunch!

Kevin + Emilie
Marcel + Jenna

I’m looking forward to working with returning favorites next year and meeting more new faces to bring authors characters to life as well.


Following up on my TikTok post last year: At the end of 2020 I had reached 13k followers and currently I have 130k! Two of my videos even reached over 1 million views (one of Dominic and then Matt + Riley).  I’ve enjoyed experimenting with content and showcasing BTS from shoots, book collages and me trying to be funny haha.

First Time Experience

I love trying things I’ve never done before. And kayaking was a first for me! I had so much fun, saw a few dolphins that day and what an arm workout!

Inside The Romance Buzz

A special thank you to Nina Crespo, Val Clarizio, and Gail Chianese for inviting me to be on “Inside the Romance Buzz.”

I was a little bit nervous being interviewed on their program but it was such a fun interview (once I loosened up).

What’s Next?

While still taking things one day at a time… I have been planning ahead!

There is one particular item on my goal list I’m excited to explore. As things progress I will share more.

Thank you once again to all the authors, models, designers, readers, and friends/family for all of your support. I’m looking forward to what next year has in store.

I hope everyone has a safe and healthy New Year.

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