Author Spotlight: Kimberly Kincaid | CJC Photography

Author Spotlight: Kimberly Kincaid

CJC Photography, Florida photographer, book cover photographer, romance book cover photographer, Deep Burn by Kimberly Kincaid, Quinn Biddle modelCJC: How did you get started as an author and what made you want to pursue that field? 

KK: I’ve always had a really big, colorful imagination, so the leap to storytelling wasn’t a huge one. I had written a fan letter to a favorite author and said I’d always wanted to write a book, and she wrote me back herself! I won’t lie, I kind of swooned! She asked me if I’d joined the Romance Writers of America and everything just snowballed from there. Now here I am, 26 books later!

CJC: What hurdles have your overcome while striving towards your goals? 

KK: Balance is always hard. Four years ago, I was diagnosed with Lyme disease that in turn triggered RA. Managing my health, my schedule, and my job is a job all by itself, but I love writing so much. The work is worth it. Also, I am a master at multi-tasking, delegating, and planning, planning, planning!

CJC:  Which novel has been your favorite to write and why? 

KK: This is like asking me to name my favorite kid! I always love the one I’m currently writing the best. Right now, that is a Super-Secret Project— but stay tuned, I’ll dish really soon (promise!)

CJC: For those looking to become an author, what advice would you give them? 

KK: Persevere–it’s a marathon, not a sprint! You’ll get knocked down a lot, and that’s okay. Also, joining writing groups and listening to podcasts are very valuable. But my biggest advice is to find your writer tribe and love them hard. Writing can be so solitary. You’ve got to find people who lift you up.

CJC: Favorite motto? 

KK: I have the phrase “nothing dims these stars” tattooed on my right arm. It’s a line from a Matt Nathanson song, and it reminds me that no matter what I’m trying to hurdle, I am enough as I am.

CJC: In one word, how would you describe your writing style? 

KK: Emotional (not angsty, though!) I love when readers tell me, “You made me cry!” That’s my job.

CJC:  Which author inspires you the most and why? 

KK: This list is SO long! But I’ll go with a classic, and say JK Rowling. She literally wrote parts of that first Harry Potter book on bar napkins, and it was rejected by nearly everyone before it became what it is. To be able to build something so big and so magical from dreams and cocktail napkins is just astounding to me.

CJC: What is your writing process like? 

KK: It depends on the day and how close the deadline is. But I write in total quiet, and I strongly prefer writing at my desk. Because of my RA, it’s hard for me to sit for long stretches of time in anything other than my desk chair (it’s one of those space-age ergonomic chairs…but I insisted on getting it in bright red, because, hello, romance writer). I drink a lot of tea while I write, and I talk to myself a LOT. It’s definitely a process!

CJC: What new projects are you currently working on and what are your goals for the remainder of the year? 

KK: I have a brand new series starting in early 2019, and I am so excited to launch it. There will be some familiar faces, and some new characters. They may or may not make house calls! (hint: they do) Stay tuned for more on that, coming VERY soon.

CJC: Any final thoughts you would like to share with the CJC Photography readers? 

KK: Thanks for letting me stop by *hugs Christopher*, and for reading along. Just grab a cold drink before you get started…it gets pretty hot over at Station Seventeen!

CJC: Thank you so much Kimberly for taking part in this interview. I always have so much fun seeing you at signings. I’m even more excited for everyone to see the cover of Deep Burn featuring Quinn Biddle which is also available for purchase here.

Stay up to date with all of Kimberly’s latest releases here.


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