Author Spotlight: Elise Faber | CJC Photography

Author Spotlight: Elise Faber

Crossing The Line by Elise Faber, Elise Faber romance author, Cody Smith model

CJC: How did you get started as an author and what made you want to pursue that field?

EF: I’ve been writing my whole life. I even have some silly stories that I wrote as a kid. But after I had kids myself, I had many moments of being up in the middle of the night, or in the early morning, when the world is quiet, and I found that the stories kept coming and wouldn’t go away! 🙂 My husband was the one who pushed me to finish that first book and put it on submission, so I consider myself so lucky to have a supportive partner in this rollercoaster adventure!

CJC: What do you find to be the most rewarding and challenging part of being an author and what hurdles have you overcome while striving towards your goals?

EF: The most rewarding part is when someone emails or messages you, telling you that your book resonated with them! These stories and characters are real to me, they’re a part of my heart and soul and so knowing that someone else enjoyed them is huge! The challenging portions are just like any other job. There are days that are overwhelming and the market is competitive, just to get your stories seen is one of the biggest challenges!

CJC: Which novel has been your favorite to write and why?

EF: My favorite is always the one I’m currently working on! I love that bright, shiny, new thing 🙂

CJC: For first time readers of your work, which book would you recommend?

EF: I’d recommend Bad Night Stand. It’s fun, light, and snarky, and is a great representation of my books!

CJC: If one of your books were made into a movie, which would you select and who would you like to star in it?

EF: Oooh I haven’t delved down this path too far. I feel like I’d love to see my Phoenix books in a movie (they’re paranormal with colorful magic, and it would be gorgeous!). I think Anna Kendrick would be an awesome lead <3

CJC: For those looking to become an author, what advice would you give them?

EF: Write the book. Before anything else, just sit down and get that book written. And when that’s done, sit down and get the next book done! The best way to build your readership is to keep writing!

CJC: If you could co-write a book with any author, who would it be and why?

EF: This is a tough question! Probably, Nalini Singh. I love her books and think our styles would blend well.

CJC: Favorite motto?

EF: Stay on target (Star Wars nerd here!)

CJC: What do you do to overcome writer’s block?

EF: I’ll usually think about how things want to end and then work backward. Sometimes I’ll skip a troublesome scene and come back later to write it.

CJC: In one word, how would you describe your writing style?

EF: Snarky.

CJC: Which do you find harder to do… writing the blurb for your story or selecting the cover?

EF: Blurb. Hands down!

CJC: Which author inspires you the most and why?

EF: I really enjoy Nalini Singh, Talia Hibbert, and Kerrigan Byrne. They’re all so talented and sometimes I’m in awe of their words!

CJC: What is your writing process like?

EF: I switch between series so that my brain stays fresh and I’m excited to work on a given book. Then I just sit down and write from beginning to end. I usually know how the book is going to end, along with major plot points, but sometimes my characters decide to go off the rails 🙂

CJC: What new projects are you currently working on and what are your goals for the remainder of the year?

EF: I’m finalizing Caged (Gold Hockey), prepping to write Sex on the Seats, and editing Meet Cute! I usually have quite a few projects happening at once. And my goal is to stay ahead of my word count! We’ll see how well that happens 🙂

CJC: Any final thoughts you would like to share with the CJC Photography readers?

EF: Read what makes you happy! <3

CJC: A special thank you to Elise for featuring Cody and I on her latest project “Crossing the Fire” which is now available for purchase here.

Stay up to date with all of Elise’s upcoming releases here.

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