Unspoken Heartaches by Jade Royal | CJC Photography

Unspoken Heartaches by Jade Royal

Unspoken Heartaches by Jade Royal, Jade Royal author, Rachael Baltes model, CJC Photography, Florida photographer, book cover photographer, romance book cover photographer

Purchase Unspoken Heartaches by Jade Royal here.


An introduction to characters from the Limits of Love Series, where love and limits are discovered.
A beautiful start to this series. –Amazon Reviewer

Howard, a true alpha male and fierce protector, takes care of everything, including his family, his business, and his friends. As the owner of Club Illusions, he’s a professional dominant who possesses both strength and determination. But even the strongest of men need someone to take care of them.
Shelly, a young, troubled woman learns that, while she can’t change her past, her future is ripe for the taking. But will she take it?
Harrison, Howard’s younger brother, feels it’s time for him to move out of the shadows and show everyone what the Baker men are all about. Will the sacrifices he makes be worth it in the end, or will Harrison be the one who is sacrificed?
In Unspoken Heartaches, International Bestselling author Jade Royal introduces you to this intriguing cast of characters in her new Limits of Love series. They will draw you deep into their world and show you how they push all limits to find the one thing everyone wants most … love.

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