Secrets & Lies by Michelle Iannarelli | CJC Photography

Secrets & Lies by Michelle Iannarelli

Secrets & Lies by Michelle Iannarelli, Levi Miles, CJC Photography, Boston photographer,  book cover photographer, romance book cover photographer

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Miles Dawson grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. If it wasn’t for his best friend, Miguel, he would most likely be in jail or worse…dead. Miguel took him in and made him a part of his family. Miles owes him his life. He will do anything for Miguel, even if it means giving up his own happiness.

Eden Cruz was raised by her brother, Miguel, and his best friend, Miles. She was educated in the finest schools, wore designer clothes, vacationed all over the world and had access to a very large bank account. The only thing that Eden ever truly wanted, money couldn’t buy…the man who stole her heart.

Miles promised himself a long time ago that he would never cross the line and betray his best friend, but will he be able to keep his promise?

Eden moved back home with the hope that she will be able to convince the man who stole her heart to give her a chance but what will happen when Eden’s secrets are exposed? Will she be forgiven or will she lose her brother and the only man she has ever loved, all because of her secrets and lies?

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