Second Chances by Anna Edwards | CJC Photography

Second Chances by Anna Edwards

Second Chances by Anna Edwards, Anna Edwards romance author, Jered Youngblood model, Charity Hendry graphic designer, CJC Photography book cover photographer

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At the tender age of thirteen Elena Lopez saw her prima ballerina dreams ruined by injury. Now she passes her love down to the future generation as a dance teacher. A chance meeting at the premier BDSM club in London with the hypnotizing and charming, Ryan North leaves her examining her future. When tragedy strikes and the memories of her youth resurface, she’s left fighting for her life.

MI5 operative Ryan North is struggling to adjust to the knowledge he was misled to by the one person he thought he could trust. His parents wanted him despite what his grandfather told him. The past few years have all been about revenge, can he find something or someone else, to occupy his time and distract him from his failing career.

Second chances is a standalone novel from International Bestselling Author, Anna Edwards. It explores the collusion of naivete and lies leading to dramatic conclusion that threatens to blow apart a couple’s fledgling love. 

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