Author Spotlight: Lexi C. Foss | CJC Photography

Author Spotlight: Lexi C. Foss

1) How did you get started as an author and what made you want to pursue that field?
I’ve always enjoyed daydreaming about ridiculous tales and characters in my head. One day—about ten years ago—I decided to try drafting a story. 500,000 words later, I had an incredible world filled with inconsistencies,  bad grammar, and horrible prose. It took me several years of crafting to learn how to better write a story while listening to the voices in my head, and I eventually allowed a group of friends to read it. Some of those friends were authors who convinced me to publish. It’s been an interesting experience that I wouldn’t trade for anything else.

The Princes Game by Lexi C. Foss, Lexi C. Foss author, lauren summer model, assad lawrence hadi shalhoub, CJC Photography, Florida photographer, book cover photographer, romance book cover photographer

2) What hurdles have your overcome while striving towards your goals?
Confidence is my biggest hurdle. I struggle with it daily and I’m constantly living under a cloud of self-doubt. I have to remember to write for me and no one else, or I’ll drown in external expectations. Listening to the characters and the stories they want me to tell is key to my personal success.

3) Which novel has been your favorite to write and why?
Oh, this is hard. I have favorites for varying reasons, but Daughter of Death is jumping to my mind first. I enjoyed the sarcasm and world building, and the way certain characters really took over without my permission. Eve is pretty kick-a** and I love being in her head. She’s an assassin, which is challenging to write, but also fun.

4) For those looking to become an author, what advice would you give them?
Keep writing. Our craft evolves every day and you will always do better. Don’t get caught up in the nuances, just write for you and the characters you love. No one else matters.
Treat writing like a job. Set deadlines and adhere to them. The minute you start making excuses is when you start to falter. Stay on task, prioritize, and focus. But also remember to have fun. Writing isn’t supposed to be a chore, but an exercise in imagination.

5) Favorite motto?
Just keep swimming.

6) In one word, how would you describe your writing style?

The Charmers Gambit by Lexi C. Foss, Lexi C. Foss author, Brock Grady model, CJC Photography, Florida photographer, book cover photographer, romance book cover photographer

7) Which author inspires you the most and why?
Lindsay J. Pryor because she pushes boundaries. She’s also personable and humble, and embodies everything a successful author should (in my opinion).

8) What is your writing process like?
I plot in my head and never on paper. If I draft the story plot, I lose interest. So instead, I allow all the voices to bicker in my head regarding the plot for months before I write the actual book. By then, I usually know chapter-by-chapter what will happen without ever drafting a physical outline.
While in the writing stage, I use book covers as inspiration. I usually put the cover image up on my computer next to my work-in-progress—this motivates me to continue even on days when I don’t feel like writing.

9) Goals for the remainder of the year?
I want to grow my backlist. I have several books expected by the end of the year, all of which are in some state either on paper or in my head. 2019 is the year I intend to tackle marketing. I’m not looking forward to it. 😉 

10) What new projects are you currently working on?
I’m currently creating a dark paranormal dystopian universe, as well as continuing my Immortal Curse series and Mershano Empire series.

11) Any final thoughts you would like to share with the CJC Photography readers?
Chris has helped me with so many current and upcoming projects. I cannot wait to share the covers with the world and create more. If only I had more hours in the day to write!
Thank you, CJC Photography, for having me. 🙂

The Prince’s Game and The Charmer’s Gambit are both now available for purchase!

Stay up to date on all of Lexi’s latest releases here. 


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