Author Spotlight: Aubree Valentine | CJC Photography

Author Spotlight: Aubree Valentine

Hot Cop by Aubree Valentine, Aubree Valentine author, Daniel Rengering hot cop, Daniel Rengering model, CJC Photography, Florida photographer, book cover photographer, romance book cover photographer1) How did you get started as an author and what made you want to pursue that field?
I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember, I still have some of my notebooks with old stories in them, but I never knew what to do with them. Then I started working as a PA for two indie authors and they literally taught me everything I needed to know to get started. The rest is history.

2) What hurdles have your overcome while striving towards your goals?
The biggest one has been balancing time! With two young kids and being a stay at home parent, a lot of the daily tasks fall on me. So being able to carve out the time to write is sometimes hard.

3) Which novel has been your favorite to write and why?
Honestly, they’re each my favorites for different reasons. My first one will always be close to my heart because it was my first. My second one, I put a lot of time and research into the topics that my characters faced and it became a very strong novel (in my humble opinion). That said – my third release, this one has been a whole new ball game, I feel like I’ve come into my own – found my niche and the words were just … there. It’s been an experience like no other.

4) For those looking to become an author, what advice would you give them?
It’s cliche but really, don’t give up. Reach out to other authors. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Find your tribe and just keep going. I’d also say remember that we’re all in this together and there is a reader out there for each and every one of us.

5) Favorite motto?
If you only knew what the future holds, After a hurricane comes a rainbow – Katy Perry (Yes yes I know I know. But that line right there has a lot of meaning behind it for several reasons and it serves as my perfect reminder to keep going!)

6) In one word, how would you describe your writing style?

7) Which author inspires you the most and why?
K. Bromberg – I met her at my first signing that I ever went to as a reader. I remember two things vividly – one was how she stayed, through lunch and after the ever to sign for everyone in line. The second thing was when she said (and maybe this was in an interview or something) but she was talking about goal setting and how her first book she only wanted to sell one copy to someone she didn’t know. And then she sold a hundred and it kept growing. It was a reminder that we all start somewhere.

8) What is your writing process like?
Complicated? LOL. I take notes but I don’t always outline. 90% of the time I like to lock myself in my office and just write whatever comes out. I’m also one of those ones who has to go back and re-read and self edit everything I did the day before. Which makes things take much longer LOL.

9) Goals for the remainder of the year?
I’d like to ideally publish two – perhaps three more books this year. And – I plan to have a blast at #SaSS18 in Norfolk with my favorite people. 😉

10)What new projects are you currently working on?
Hot Cop is NOW LIVE and I’m currently working on the second book in that series – Cop Tease which I’m aiming to have out at the end of May.

11) Any final thoughts you would like to share with the CJC Photography readers?
A huge thank you for all the support that I’ve gotten – Chris/CJC Photography has some of the best fans around. And those of you that have taken the time to read my books – thank you again, AND I hope that my words have provided you with an escape from reality for a moment in time.

Stay up to date on Aubree’s latest releases here. 
Pick up a copy of “Hot Cop” which is now available here. 

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