Imperfect Love by Jade Royal | CJC Photography

Imperfect Love by Jade Royal

Imperfect Love by Jade Royal, Jade Royal author, Rachael Baltes model, CJC Photography, Florida photographer, book cover photographer, romance book cover photographer

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Drawn to each other since they were teenagers, Shelly and Harrison have fought their attraction for years. A bold move from Shelly changes the game and awakens a need so primal that it can’t be ignored. She’s willing to take a chance on the “ladies’ man”, risking her heart in the process.

Something is wrong though … something that Shelly can’t seem to unravel. What is he hiding? Does the secret he’s keeping matter?

When the truth is forced from Harrison, all hope of a future with Shelly is lost. A past that haunts his present seems to be taking over his life, trying to destroy everything in its path. Will it annihilate everything? Or will Harrison and Shelly find an Imperfect Love?

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