12 Tips for Writing Effective Blog Posts | CJC Photography

12 Tips for Writing Effective Blog Posts

By: Social Media Examiner

1)      Create an eye-catching title (example: 5 Reasons Your Business Should be Blogging).

2)      Use in-text links to landing pages (SEO).

3)      Have calls to action in your post (what do you want the reader to do).

4)      Utilize social sharing buttons.

5)      Make the post relevant from top to bottom.

6)      Be up to date with the blogging platform – formatting posts, inserting an image, embedding a video.

7)      Have clearly defined blog categories that will help generate meaningful content.

8)      Create meta-description text for the post.

9)      Create an editorial calendar to keep future posts organized.

10)    Fine-tune/revise post (grammar, spelling).

11)     Use inverted pyramid journalist approach – most newsworthy info on top and so forth.

12)     Create valuable content that people will want to read.

I would love to hear what tips you have for writing successful blog posts as well.

P.S – Dont forget to “like” CJC Photography on Facebook and follow me on Twitter!

– CJC Photography

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